What is even "upscaling an image?
Glad you asked! upscaling an image is the process of increasing the resolution (PPI). The resolution is the amount of pixels of color in a given area, usually one square inch.
Why would I want to upscale my image?
Sometimes images you have or find may not be suitable for printing, because of low resolution. If printed with a low resolution, the results can be bad - from pixelated to blurry to downright unrecognizable.
How big can you upscale an image?
Our free version will scale images up 3X. Our paid accounts can go as high as 10X.
Is the a file size limit?
We're limiting the uploaded file size to 1.5mb for our free version. Paid accounts will be able to upscale larger images.
What are some use cases for upscaling images?
What is PPI and/or DPI?
PPI is "pixels per inch" and DPI is "dots per inch. They basically mean the same thing, but DPI is more of a printing term that describes the resolution of a printed piece. PPI is really meant for the digital realm.
I have 500 images that I want to upscale, can you help?
Soon! we'll offer a monthly subscription service that will let you upscale 100s or 1000s of images per month. The best thing to do is to sign up on our waiting list.